About Us

About Us

Viewpoint Consulting draws upon experience working within foundations, nonprofits, universities and public and private sector organizations.  We deploy a  range of talent to design tailored and cutting-edge support to advance effective philanthropic efforts.

Kelly Brown

Founder / Principal

Kelly Brown is the Founder and Principal Consultant at Viewpoint Consulting, which provides support to philanthropic organizations and individuals investing resources to strengthen underserved communities. Brown has over 25 years of experience in the field, offering data-driven strategic consulting, facilitation, and training to increase impact and equity within foundations and social sector organizations. She has held leadership roles at TransAfrica, the Vanguard Public Foundation, the Marguerite Casey Foundation and the D5 Coalition, an initiative to strengthen philanthropy through a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. Her work researching and advocating for the critical importance of demographic data has made her a leader in the field.

Brown has an M.B.A from the Haas School of Business at the University of CA, Berkeley, a B.A. in Sociology and African/African American Studies from the University of CA, Santa Barbara, and was a Sloan Foundation Public Policy Fellow at Princeton University. She is currently completing a PhD at the University of Chicago, exploring the intersection between leadership, organizational networks and contemporary social movements.

Audris Campbell

Survey Research, Statistical Analysis

Audris Campbell was recently appointed as a Survey Research Lead within the Customer Experience (CX) Lab at Google. Prior to this, Audris was Senior Survey Methodologist at IST Research, and held appointments at Gallup and the University of Massachusetts Boston’s Center for Survey Research.

As a methodologist, Audris’ work and mission is focused on using survey research to help organizations improve their internal practices and the world around them. Audris holds a Master of Arts in Applied Sociology and a Graduate Certificate in Survey Research from the University of Massachusetts Boston. She also holds a Master of Public Administration from the University of Georgia.

Capacity for Change

Facilitation, Research, Strategic Planning

Capacity for Change, LLC is a public interest consulting firm that has partnered with Viewpoint Consulting for over 20 years on a wide variety of initiatives. Based in West Chester, Pennsylvania they work regionally and nationally with public, philanthropic and nonprofit organizations to create positive and lasting social impact through strategy, culture and partnership design.

CfC's areas of expertise include strategic planning and strategy consulting, organizational culture change, collective impact, event design and facilitation, and strategies to advance diversity, equity and inclusion.